“Caleb Salvadori is a photographer known for his unique ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia through his captivating images. His distinctive style revolves around shooting on film, a medium that adds a timeless quality to his work. Behind his photography, Caleb has faced personal challenges, including the devastating loss of his father to the COVID-19 pandemic, a tragedy that profoundly impacted his life. Another complex facet of Caleb's journey is his upbringing in a deeply religious environment, growing up in the church, but now grappling with a crisis of faith. This inner conflict adds depth and complexity to his work, as his photographs often explore themes of longing, introspection, and the search for meaning in a world that can be both beautiful and bewildering. Caleb Salvadori's photography serves as a powerful window into his soul, inviting viewers to share in his journey of self-discovery and emotional exploration.”


I’ve always loved photography. After going to school for it I knew my heart had grown a desire. My earliest memories are of my late father videotaping me and my sister at the beach as kids with the huge VHS cam. All moments fade but an image pauses time. I’m certain someday I’ll put the camera down and absorb it all for nothing but purely a memory. For now, these images represent a time capsule for myself and those I am involved with.